Looking for a professional haircut in Bangkok?
We cater for both Men and Women and more importantly we understand the subtle differences of Western hair textures, waves, curls, facial curves and definitions as well as Asian types. Our Hair stylists have many years Experience and have been Internationally trained, they also speak sufficient English.
Affordable Haircut’s
At Zenred You can select a Senior Hairstylist or Master hairstylist to cut your hair, Both will be upto date on all the latest hairstyles and trends, from Hollywood to Korean hairstyles. We can do whatever you want, just bring some photos or an ipad if its something specific, or choose from our vast selection of International hairstyles.
Free Shampoo, Blowdry and Finish
We are still one of the cheapest salons in Bangkok in it’s class for haircuts. You can expect to pay 1000 baht or more at some of the bigger malls and Bangkok salons. We charge from 350 baht to 600 Baht depending on the stylist you choose, and that also includes a Free Shampoo, Massage, Blow-dry and Finish.
Celebrity Salon Stylists
Our Master hair stylist has also cut the hair of Richard Gere, Mark Zuckenburg, The Triplets and many Thai TV Celebrities. You can be sure you are in good hands at Zenred Salon Bangkok.
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